Our FAQs
We are set up to run adverts for any product, anywhere in the world. Contact us now to discuss.
Pinnacle are so confident in our ability to deliver quality inbound investment leads, we will allow you to run a test budget with us of just £2,500. Contact us today to discuss your campaign requirements.
We understand cost per lead is one of the most important matrix’s when it comes to assigning your marketing budget. Cost per lead depends on a number of factors such as search volume and cost of traffic, every product and territory is different. Get in touch today and discuss your specific requirements.
As with all inbound data we rely on the potential clients entering the correct information into our landing pages. If a phone number does not connect, is fake or falls outside the targeted territory Pinnacle will replace that lead like for like.
Pinnacle’s business model is made with scalability in mind, whatever your volume requirements are Pinnacle can help. Enquire today to discuss your needs further.