How to Generate Leads for Your Business

If you want your business to thrive and grow, it is only sensible to assume that you need to generate new leads. 

In today’s digital world, there is still a place for some traditional methods of lead generation. However, to scale your business, it makes sense to integrate them with strategies that make the most of prospects’ online habits.

Lead generation is a highly skilled part of the sales process. It involves targeting your campaigns to deliver qualified leads for the greatest success.

This guide will look at the top ways to generate leads for your business.

Top Ideas for Generating Leads for Your Business


Encourage Referrals

There is no doubt that satisfied customers are one of your most efficient generators, as encouraging them to talk about their positive experiences with your business will draw in new prospects.

Statistics corroborate that referrals are the most valuable asset in lead generation. Forbes suggests that 78% of B2B marketers say that referrals generate successful leads.

Encourage your sales team to seek referrals by targeting customers when closing a sale. Simply asking them if they can recommend your product or service may generate a positive lead.

Online, you can offer incentives or a referral programme. Discounts for those who create successful leads can be a great way to encourage customers and clients to talk about you.

Build Customer Relations

It isn’t surprising that there is a link between having good customer service and turning an existing client into a new lead for new products or services. 

You should never neglect your current customer base as a source for new leads. They are cheaper to acquire, and as they already have a relationship with your business, they will be easier to convert than a new customer.

According to  CRM magazine, companies that engage with customers across all channels experienced a significant increase in success. It is part of the Omni channel approach to lead generation that operates an integrated multi-channel marketing approach with a distinctly personal touch.

Simply by scheduling a follow-up call after securing a deal, you may be able to suggest additional products or services. However you structure your contact, always remember that happy clients and customers can contribute to growth.

Lead Nurturing

You will always build up a database of unsuccessful leads, no matter how good your conversion rate is. 

When prospects are unsure and choose not to seal a deal, it is essential to continue to nurture the relationship. You can ensure they receive critical information about their interests to ensure that they keep your business at the forefront when making future decisions.

One way to do this is to automate the process. Using AI can help personalise approaches across their preferred platforms, or you can schedule times to make more personal contact.

Combining personal approaches and digital platform contact can be a powerful way to convert a lead in the future and ensure they do not go to a competitor.

Build Trust

Ensure the people closing sales deals are experts in the field. Nowadays, customers searching for your product or service are very knowledgeable as the internet has provided the perfect accessible research space.

Sales professionals need to ensure they have all the necessary information to empower prospects further and create trust-based relationships.

In-person contact at trade fairs, conferences or webinars is the perfect opportunity for showing how the brand is a trusted expert in the field.

Optimise your Website

Your website should also provide pages that reflect what your prospective customers want to know.

It is vital to target your content to appeal to your target audience by answering the kind of questions they will be asking. Optimising your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is essential if your website ranks higher than your competitors in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

If you think of the sales process as a journey, your website might be one of the early stages. During a prospect’s research stage, they will hopefully land on your website and begin to form an opinion about your brand and your products.

Creating customised and engaging content can act as a map for customers at the beginning of their journey in preparation for contact by sales sta. It is often the pathway’s success that secures a prospect rather than the quality of the product.

Remember to include CTAs (Calls to Action) in your content, so you can capture these leads and follow them up.

How to Connect Online

The importance of social media platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn is vast. Indeed, traffic from LinkedIn appears to create the highest conversion rate across all social media platforms. 

However, it is not enough to attempt a connection as the initial contact will leave a lasting impression. Rather than generic invites, look to adopt a seemingly more personal approach.

Targeting new prospects via LinkedIn that meet your demographic for a particular campaign will lead to a higher conversion rate. Remind prospects where, why or how you know them and create a personal invitation to connect. 

Use Social Media

It is essential to keep connected with prospects across multiple platforms and use data on intent and behaviours to track what is their preferred channel.

Your posts should remain relevant, so posting respected content increases prospects’ trust and builds your professional reputation.

People who interact with your content can be followed up with more personal approaches to create a dialogue and move the sales journey forward.

Integrated Approach

You can see that lead generation is about utilising both an in-person and online approach. The most successful sales will occur when these approaches are integrated and personalised to build relationships and nurture leads.

There is always room for creative ideas such as sponsorship or events that can create many leads in a short time. 

However, when it comes to scaling a business fast, there is no doubt that an Omni approach, where online processes and personal touches are integrated and used to connect personally with a prospect, is more likely to lead to conversion and an excellent ROI.

Lead generation is a specialised area of expertise, and lead generation companies can offer a complete service that will deliver excellent prospects for your business that your sales professionals can follow up. 


If you want to generate investment leads, why not contact us at Pinnacle today. We offer a completely bespoke service combining a wide range of approaches to secure highly qualified leads that meet your target demographic.

We use AI and machine learning alongside advertising and other marketing techniques to ensure that we generate leads across every channel, search engine and publisher site online.