How to Get Investment Leads

Getting investment leads is complex and requires a successful action plan and an understanding of the technology necessary for scaled-up campaigns.

Investment lead generation is the method of attracting prospective investors and developing their interest with the aim of converting them into an investor.

Traditional lead generation was inefficient and often meant a high percentage of rejection and a degree of luck that wasted time and energy. Cold Calling, direct mail and print mail all had limitations that have been recently replaced by a growth in the use of scaled-up lead generation across all digital platforms.

Some common ways to generate investment leads are through Google Adwords and PPC campaigns, landing pages and custom campaigns.

This post will explore ten strategies that can result in successful investment lead generation.

Ten Strategies for Successful Investment Lead Generation

  • Understand your target market

You first need to understand the type of investor you want to attract. As with any digital marketing, it will be more effective if you have identified your potential audience and understand their needs.

You will run different campaigns on different platforms depending on whether you are looking for low- or high-value investors and the type of products you offer. Targeted lead generation will be more successful.

Researching your investor audience and identifying your niche demographic is a crucial first step in generating successful leads. Understanding your audience’s intent to take advantage of their behaviours is also essential.

  • Work with an Investment Lead Generation Company

Employing the expertise of professionals with investor lead generation experience is the easiest way to guarantee a better ROI.

They will have the structures and knowledge in place to generate leads across a vast network. Not only will this give you a more extensive reach, but they will use their experience to target the generation to the kind of audience that will be more likely to convert.

  • Create an Excellent Website and Landing Pages

As we all know, your online presence is often the first and only way people find your business and understand your brand and what you offer. Optimising your website pages will ensure that potential investors get the information they seek to encourage them to invest in your products.

You can include a blog to increase your SEO for the market you are operating in and attract potential investors. Encourage visitors to subscribe to an email list, so you build a database of potential investors.

Failing to keep your website up to date or accurate can lose you potential leads and lower your conversion rate making the cost of advertising and campaigns a wasted resource.

  • Mobile Lead generation

Since mobile devices are used extensively across all demographics, focussing your generation on browsing information gathered on them will often be successful. Using browsing history to gather data based on interests and intent is a worthwhile strategy.

GPS technology can also target lead generation ads in a pre-defined area. It will also allow you to identify more successful regions and locations to narrow down your lead generation.

  • Online Campaigns

You can use Pay per Click ad campaigns (PPC) to generate leads. You will only pay when a potential investor clicks on the ad.

Social media is also an essential part of your online marketing. From Linkedin to Facebook and even Tik Tok, various platforms can be used to run ad campaigns.

Using the vast network of channels, you can maximise your reach to drive engagement and hit your target market.

  • Insights

When it comes to investment lead generation, you can never be confident of success. That is why it is essential to use insights to investigate what is working and what is not working in any campaign.

Finding the platforms that offer the best conversions is essential to maximise your lead generation.

Experts will use insight activity to monitor and evaluate successes and failures and analyse results to make improvements and suggest alternatives.

  • Keywords

Your target audience will use particular keywords when searching for information. Identifying those keywords will help you utilise them to attract the right investors to your campaigns and content.

The more specific and unique our keywords, the more likely you will generate interest from investors who match your criteria.

Using the right keywords means you are more likely to attract investors who are already interested in your products and more likely to commit to your investment products or services.

  • Search Advertising

The search engine marketing programs offered via Google Ads and Microsoft can instantly place your proposition at the top of a search engine results page (SERPS).

Being at the top of a search result is one of the best ways to be seen by your potential audience and beat the competition.

For this strategy to be effective, you must choose specific keywords to enable SMART targeting. Using an expert is the way to ensure you are not wasting your marketing budget.

Professional lead generators can maximise your ROI and ensure you get the most conversions from your advertising.

  • Use AI to Scale Up

AI can be used to scale campaigns to increase the maximum effect for ROI. By extending your reach to your targeted market, you will be able to grow your investment leads.

Lead generators with their own programmatic DSP can take advantage of all the main advertising channels on one platform.

  • Discovery Advertising

Discovery networks are a great way to place native ads in the recommended stories of large publishers and news sites.

It is a great way to deliver your message to a vast audience and drive traffic to your website, bringing in plenty of new prospects with possible lower costs than Google Ads.

If you are looking for ways to improve your investment lead generation, why not get in touch with us at Pinnacle. We understand the importance of lead generation and how hard it can be to navigate your way around it in the ever-changing digital marketing arena.

However quickly you want to grow, we have the expertise and technology to make it happen.