Is buying property investment leads worth it?

Particularly for new property investing businesses, generating leads can be challenging. You may have tried every familiar strategy only to find yourself spending excessive time following up leads that ultimately prove unsuccessful.

Leads are essential for building property investment opportunities. Unfortunately, not all leads are the same as many will be unqualified and waste your time and money.

It is harder than you think to generate legitimately qualified property investment leads, which is why buying them can be an effective way to boost your business.

This guide will examine the pitfalls of property investment lead generation and explore the advantages of outsourcing to an investment lead generating company.

Problems with Property Investment Lead Generation

Businesses can use several strategies to generate property investment leads, and often there are problems with ensuring that you generate qualified leads worth pursuing. 

Let’s consider the problems you may encounter with property investment lead generation.

  • Your Website

Your company website must act as a source of information for visitors to attract leads and encourage prospects to register.

By including relevant, informative, expert content that engages potential investors, you will hopefully convert a percentage of visitors into leads.

The difficulty driving visitors to your website is ensuring that your content is driven by keywords that will rank in search engine results (SERPS) in response to their questions. Excellent SEO can help your audience to grow, but it can be a slow process without additional lead generation.

  • Online Websites

Most homes and properties in the UK are advertised on Rightmove, which is often the first place prospective buyers will look. It works well for average properties, but anything more unusual may not reach the type of investors required.

If your property investment business operates with properties abroad, high-risk properties or very high-value properties, you may find that you need a different approach.

  • Advertising

Advertising, particularly Pay per Click (PPC) adverts, are often a good solution for putting the word out about your property investment opportunities. It indeed enables your business to reach more potential investors and may build you some leads.

However, the difficult part of lead generation is delivering at scale and targeting a suitable demographic. It is easy to waste considerable money investing in advertising without getting a good ROI.

Advertising should be considered part of a wider marketing strategy and is best delivered by marketing experts who can take advantage of multiple channels.


Advantages of Outsourcing Property Investment Lead Generation

Investing in lead generation with a lead generation company may seem risky. You will want to be reassured that you will achieve a good ROI.

There are some considerable benefits to choosing a reputable company that can deliver a specified number of leads every month.

Let’s look at the advantages of using a lead generation company with experience in property investment lead generation.

  • Targeted Campaigns

Outsourcing to marketing experts means they will narrow down the demographic that is most likely to have the ability to invest in your offering. They can use data to evaluate behaviours and intent to use advertising to attract the correct type of investor.

For example, if your investment requires sophisticated investors, they could target digital investment and economic ads that appeal to high-risk investors.

This will lead them to your web page, enabling follow-up from your sales department. You can even take advantage of  VOIP technology.

  • Niche Marketing

Rather than casting the net wide and increasing advertising costs, a niche marketing strategy ensures that ads are only shown to people consuming investment content that matches your target audience. 

Filters can be applied to work with people by gender, age, marital status, income and most importantly, previous behaviours. Filtering will ensure that a campaign delivers qualified leads for your business.

  • Integrated Approach

One significant benefit of outsourcing lead generation is the access to an Omni approach that works across multiple channels and delivers a personalised approach to prospects.

Using a single platform to work across multiple channels whilst delivering a personal approach increases the quality of the leads and improves your likely conversion rate. It also creates the opportunity for better reporting and insights, allowing the company to tweak the campaign to deliver improved results for you.

  • Scaling Up

If you want your business to grow, you need to scale up your lead generation. 

A lead generation service can use technology and AI to automate many aspects of the generation process and enable the campaign to reach wider while still focusing on getting qualified leads.

  • Retargeting

Those visitors who visit your website but do not pursue an investment? 

A retargeting campaign ensures you do not lose them by keeping in contact with them across appropriate channels and ensuring your business stays at the front of their mind when they eventually make a decision.


  • Optimising a Campaign

A lead generation service can be far more specific and improve performance by using details to optimise how prospects are targeted by device, time of day, ad placements, landing pages and geo-targeting.

Not only does this make a campaign more efficient, but it is also more likely to increase your conversion rate.


How to Choose a Lead generation Service

You will find that many Lead generation Services promise results, and it can be hard to decide who to choose.

  • Look for Specialised Services

Whilst many of the principles of lead generation are the same, there is an advantage to using a service with experience in your sector.

Expertise and experience allow marketers to focus on platforms and channels that have previously demonstrated excellent results for clients. 

  • Look for Marketing Experience Integrated with Technology

The most successful campaigns for lead generation take advantage of marketing experience and combine traditional strategies alongside modern technology and online marketing.

Experienced marketers can build a custom campaign that utilises the ability to stretch across a vast amount of channels with a smart approach that uses data to focus on intent and behaviours. 

  • Look for Recommendations

A proven track record is vital when it comes to marketing claims. Check out what other clients say before making your choice.


If you are a property investment business looking to improve your lead generation, please get in touch with us at Pinnacle. The team behind Pinnacle uses our vast knowledge and experience of the investment markets to provide a first-class service.